
WhoLe IPE Project is aimed at the enhancement of health professionals competencies by creating and applying innovative
learning and teaching practices in health professions education. General Project objective is advancement of
interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice as foundation for development of
comprehensive, coordinated, resilient and responsive health system based on the integrative healthcare (IHC) focused on
the improved patient outcomes.


Project activities are organised around the following courses of action:

  • Development and implementation of innovative learning and teaching programs for: (i) health sciences students; (ii) health
    professionals and (iii) academic staff engaged in health professions education;
  • Preparation and publication of relevant supporting materials and educational resources;
  • Raising awareness among different stakeholders about the importance of interprofessional education and integrated


In line with the defined objectives and activities, the main Project results will include:

  • Reconstructed IPE curricula, innovative highly engaging educational resources and IPE Summer school;
  • Culture for integrated healthcare CPD course;
  • IPE Design & Facilitation TCD program;
  • Roadmap for Strengthening IPE curricula;
  • IPE Textbook;
  • IPE Toolkit for educators;
  • Towards the culture of integrated healthcare conference;
  • IPE Raising awareness sessions, presentations and publication.